From: MV (
Date: Fri Jul 01 2005 - 23:10:31 PDT
I think you can support the troops, yet disagree with the war. Two very
different things.
We should not be in Iraq.
What did Rumsfield say recently; we may be there for the next 12 years?
How many American men and women will be killed for this "war"?
How long were we in Vietnam? You know how that ended. We had good
intentions then also. I just missed that draft. Some of my friends did
not - some came back, some did not. And what did we learn from that??
The only thing that was preventing civil war in Iraq before was Sadam.
Now we are suppose to allow the Shitites and the Kurds supress the
Sunni's? The Sunni's were the moderates before we started this mess.
But now, majority rules - so Sunni's you're screwed??
We opened a huge can of worms.
What ever happen to Osama? Remember that guy?
I thought we went into Iraq to go after WMDs? So we didn't find those,
so now we are saving the Iraqi's? From the other Iraqi's?
The goal seems to remain that we need to kill the bad Iraqis so they
don't kill the good Iraqis, right? And who are the good Iraqis
again???? The majority in power?? Or are they just the guys shooting
at us that day? And what about the next day? Who will be shooting at
us then?
And if we upset the Kurds, do you think that they will be shooting at us
also? And what about the Shitites? Hell yes.
And when will this war end? When all of the angry, armed Iraqis are
killed? Will that supply ever diminish? Are we not simply making more?
Iraq is a long ways from being a real democracy or republic.
This could be a very long "conflict".
Ed wrote:
> Well said Royce, well said indeed! I feel that after over 30 years all
> of the welcome homes for those of us that served in Vietnam are a little
> late. That is one reason that I'm fighting as hard as I can to make
> sure that these young Troops receive the welcome home that EACH AND
> Best Regards,
> Ed
> Royce C Hayes wrote:
>> Gentlemen,
>> I do not know if you have ever served our country, I have.
>> I do not care for the Bush bashing and anti war rhetoric. We are there
>> and the enemy is still there, and if that is what it takes to keep the
>> terrorist there and not here, so be it.
>> Vote how you will in the next election. That is your privilege. In the
>> meanwhile, support our troupes. That is something that we never got, and
>> never had for 30 to 40 years. Believe me, it is not a good thing to
>> serve your country and no one says thanks.
>> Royce
>>> "Thank you, Bush!"....better to thank congress...they voted to "go",
>>> didn't they?
>>> lar
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