From: Bjorn Brandstedt (
Date: Sat Jul 02 2005 - 08:15:55 PDT
Hi Doc,
Can we get un update on this, please, some kind of status report?
Is there a form of registration?
MVPA 19212
Meadows of Dan, Virginia
>From: "Randall Scheffler" <>
>To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
>Subject: [MV] East Coast Fall event
>Date: Wed, 1 Jun 2005 22:05:19 -0400
>Well, I convinced the powers that be to sponsor an MV event at Fort Gordon!
>Obviously we have lots of things to work out, but for now, we plan on a
>show, swap meet (for those who want to) and the optional trail rides on
>of Fort Gordon's tank trails!
>For those who don't know, Fort Gordon was originally the home of the 10th
>Armored Division during WW II, became the MP School for a while and is now
>the home of the Signal School and a bunch of secret squirrel units.
>The MV show will be run at the same time as our annual Octoberfest, so
>who miss the German beer and food will surely find something to do here.
>We have a campground on post that will be made available to those who want
>to use it.
>I've got flyers with more info.
>1st Annual
>Vintage Military Vehicle Show, Swap Meet, & Trail Ride
>Fort Gordon, GA
>30 Sep – 2 Oct 2005
>This event is run in conjunction with the annual Octoberfest Celebration.
>German food and beer will be available. No setup, space or other fees!
>Setup available on 29 Sep. On-post campground available for participant
>use. Cargo ramps available for off-load of trailered vehicles. Looking
>POCs to organize regional convoys into this event, as well as field
>organizers for space, parking, coordination, etc. Contact Doc Scheffler,
> for more information.
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