From: Bruce C. Beattie (bruce@EECS.Berkeley.EDU)
Date: Sat Jul 02 2005 - 14:46:46 PDT
Not sure, but there may be a small difference. It is adjustable though.
That is all I know about it.
Stu wrote:
>Is the timing of the injection pump on humvee different then a CUCV?
> "Stu"
>Southern NH, USA
>"Live Free Or Die"
>MVPA #14790
>1967 M151A1 Jeep 1964 M416 Trailer
>1986 M1009 CUCV Blazer 1985 M1008 CUCV Pickup
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Military Vehicles Mailing List [] On Behalf
>Of Tom Kelly
>Sent: Saturday, July 02, 2005 3:00 PM
>To: Military Vehicles Mailing List
>Subject: [MV] CUCV Bumm'n Me Out Pt. 2
>HI All
>Thanks for the replies earlier this week, I got the ground strap
>("short") problem sorted out, she spins over really good with no
>"smoking". But I still have a fuel delivery problem. The glowplugs don't
>work so I use either to start it (in very small amounts), this is ok as
>long as the glow plugs don't activate, and you don't get carried away,
>been doing it for almost a year.
>After bleeding the injectors several times, but it still wouldn't start,
>I decided to give her a compression test this morning. I have between
>400-420 LBS on all 8 cylinders, well within the boundries of acceptable
>compression, that's the good news. So while I have the glow plugs out, I
>cracked all 8 injectors open, with the throttle pedal floored I spun the
>engine over twice at about 12-13 revolutions each time. The area around
>the injectors was wet on all 8, so I closed all the injectors,
>re-installed the glowplugs, gave her a shot of either, and cranked her
>over. She rattled a little then seemed to catch for about a second and a
>half, then died. I then gave her another shot of either, and cranked her
>over but she only ran on the either.
>I don't think I'm getting enough fuel to the injectors, OR, the
>injectors aren't getting enough fuel to the cylinders, but since it
>almost started, I'm thinking the injectors are ok, and maybe the
>injector pump isn't putting out enough pressure, just guessing though,
>as I have no way to test that. I replaced that pressure switch this week
>that's in the fuel filter housing, and have a new fuel filter. When I
>initially cranked her over with the fuel filter removed, she shot fuel
>from the housing all the way to the radiator, so I'm pretty sure I got
>plenty of fuel flow/pressure to the injector pump.
> I bought the engine from Ted's Trucks and Stuff, as a HUMMV take out,
>they tested it on a stand so it should run.... I had to change out the
>HUMMV for the CUCV attachments on the injector pump, but everything
>seems to work ok. The fuel shut off solenoid works. So I'm at a loss
>here as far as to what the next step is to take, so any advise/help is
>Thanks - Tom
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