From: Ron (
Date: Sat Jul 02 2005 - 17:11:30 PDT
Everybody wanders off the ranch a bit once and a while, but of late (last
couple of months), the mental geese on the list are in full production of
their primary product.
Many folks have come on list and asked them to stop, or take it else
ware, first politely, and then more stridently, with little result. Are the
OT culprits too ignorant, too stupid, too full of themselves or just don't
care about the rest of us? They go on and on, back and forth, ad nauseum in
an attempt to prove their brilliance to each other, themselves, us (?) , and
instead prove their lack of coherent judgment to all.
Yes we can block them, or skip the headers we don't like, or don't apply
to our particular HMV preference, but that's not the solution to curtail
them. They are guests we allow into our homes and businesses, because they
AGREED to abide by the rules of THIS list, just like we did. We are here
because of similar interests in a particular hobby involving the
acquisition, restoration, operation and maintaining the ability to own and
operate private HMVs. Not religion, not politics, not political correctness,
not Nigerian money scams, virus and worm warnings or any other non HMV
related topic. Since it now turns out they have proven their word means
nothing, that they don't care about the rest of us, that they only care
about comparing the size of their respective members, we are now free to
screw with them in kind. As enjoyable as this solution appears to be, we
would only be sinking to their level and plunging the list into anarchy. The
ability to post anything you want on this unmoderated list is what makes it
so unique on today's internet, and may very well be it's undoing. The list's
future is not in OUR hands, but Mr. Kyle's.
Arthur is still out there. I know this for a fact after a series of
messages several months ago when I was having problems posting to the
list. He answered my initial query within 24 hours of posting it to him. He
also got me back into my mailbox and increased
it's size. Several hundred listers have these boxes because they sent money
to help Arthur buy new machines to keep this list alive a number of years
ago. This list is still here because many of us believed in it's future and
stepped up to plate, and through Arthur's benevolence.
It is really a shame that a few could be so self centered and
inconsiderate of the community at large to continue to violate the list's
tenets just to prove that they have the right to free speech, and screw you
Old weird Ronzo, list curmudgeon
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