From: Tom Kelly (
Date: Sat Jul 02 2005 - 18:16:43 PDT
Thanks for the responses so far (just got home), Mike, my messenger
service is "temporarily unavailable" (like for at least a couple days
now...What in the world!!??) but, thanks for the link. Stu, I don't
know, but I wouldn't think that there is any difference in injector pump
timing from a CUCV to a HUMMV (but I could be wrong) but I don't think
it would matter, as I never changed the pump that came on the engine,
only the top cover and vacuum set up on the starboard side. EVERY other
part on the block had to be changed however, oil pump, pan, intake &
exhaust manifolds, and all sensors/ electrical components, yada, yada...
it ran on the stand it should run in my truck. I must be close, but
still missing something.... hmmmmm.... Maybe I need to jump her with the
deuce again, and rebleed for several more revolutions......but how many
revs can it take to get her properly bled?
Thanks - Tom
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