From: Bill Kealey (
Date: Tue Jul 05 2005 - 07:23:51 PDT
TJ ....
Just simply replace the suspected bad parts?
Didn't Tim "The Toolman" Taylor teach you anything?
Sheesh ... I bet you use a road map and stop to ask for directions too ...
Boy ooh boy, I was just going to suggest a fan unit from a home heating system
and a long extention cord or gasoline powered generator .... or ..... now I am
on a roll here .... a gasoline powered air compressor so you don't need a fan
setup then you could also, along with providing a high volumn cooling system,
perhaps convert the system to a simulated turbo system.
Hmmmm, I wonder how my M38A1 would sound with a whistler turbo? .......
Good luck with it and I hope you solve the problem soon, Bill K.
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
Ok, fellas,
Just when I give in and agree to replace the coil and condensor and even
contemplate plugging up the "vent" holes to "keep the smoke in", some of you
have me doing Triginometry and installing tiny little fans, switches and
resistors in iambic pentameter! Just let me replace the durned stuff and I'll
post the results.
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