From: Claude W. Vaughn (
Date: Fri Jul 08 2005 - 18:16:27 PDT
Remember to do a Google on the keyword string:
linseed spontaneous combustion
...before you coat the canvas and put it aside to dry.
> Canvas is made from linen which in turn is made from the usually bleached
> fibres of flax. It would therefor seem reasonable that unbleached canvas
> contains residual amounts of linseed oil so you might try a mix of linseed
> oil and white spirit at say 1:10 - rthe spirit will evapourate off and the
> oil will waterproof the canvas and smell of the linseed oil.
> on 7/8/05 23:34, Jim Stead at wrote:
> > Does anyone know what causes military canvas to have that wonderful odor it
> > has? Is it a particular brand of preservative, or some chemical concoction I
> > can whip up in my garage?
> > I'm restoring some canvas stuff, and would like it to smell good as new!
> >
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