From: Tom Kelly (
Date: Sat Jul 09 2005 - 11:23:45 PDT
Hi All
My webtv, computer thingy has been acting up, and I've been unable to
get online for 3 day's....What in the world!!?? Thanks for the responses
to my last hail for help. Jeff Gatton sent me some bleeding
instructions, but with the computer down, I went by memory and skipped a
step, but here's where I'm at:
I removed the glowplugs, turned the engine over 3-4 times at about 12
revolutions, with the throttle pedal floored each time, all the
injectors were cracked open. After the second attempt I started to see
some dampness, around the injectors. By the third and 4th try it was
spitting fuel at all 8 injectors. I then tightened the injectors, and
had the engine turned over 3-4 times at about 12 revolutions each time
to see if a mist of fuel would come out the glow plug holes. I only saw
a mist out of #1's hole.
I ASSumed at that point that I might have injector problems, so I
removed all 8 injectors from my other engine, making sure no dirt got in
them. I removed the injector line from #1 on the new engine and bent it
(no kinks!) carefully to the side so I could hook up the take-out
injectors to it, to see if they worked. I hooked up the return line on
one end of the injector and a plugged line on the other side, I also
tried it without the return lines hooked up. It made no difference I
couldn't get fuel out of the 3 injectors I tried, it was getting too hot
so I quit (in disgust!).
I disconnected the #2 injector also, while initailly disconnecting #1's
injector line. When the engine was turned over to test the first
injector I hooked up to the #1 line, I got a couple puffs of fuel from
the #2 glowplug hole.
The #2's fuel line was still disconnected! So why did it mist fuel then,
while disconnected, and not when it was hooked up? Possibly, did I not
turn the engine over enought to get fuel through all the injectors?
Beats me?
How come I'm getting no fuel out of the injectors I'm "testing"?
They're just hanging off the fuel line in mid air, wouldn't I see a mist
or spray at the bottom if they were working? Am I just not turning her
over long enough to get fuel through the injectors? I turn her over 3-4
times at about 12 revolutions, allowing the starter to cool down between
each try.
I get fuel spraying from the fuel filter housing, all the way to the
radiator, with the filter off (I have a brand new filter), so I ASSume
my manual fuel pump is working pretty good. I'm getting some good
"spitting" of fuel at all the injectors. So what else could be wrong! Am
I just not turning her over long enough to force fuel through the
injectors? How long does it take? Sorry for all the questions, but this
is getting pretty frustrating, as far as I can see and understand, this
thing should be running.
My computer may go down, it's been acting up the last 3 days, if I don't
respond within 2 days it's probably down again. I try to check my e-mail
Thanks - Tom
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