From: SGM PANTANO (TRUKS1@msn.com)
Date: Mon Jul 11 2005 - 21:06:12 PDT

I have the rear cargo cushions for an M37..They are canvas..NEW -
NOS..Genuine GI.. Nice - with the straps and buckles..NO RUST !! Nice and
clean... also a canvas cargo cover...
There are 2 sets of the cushions... $85 a set.. The cargo cover is
canvas..and has the smell you are all going goo goo over...:-) I will price
it at $20...... It is pretty darn nice..but seems to be only dirty..
By the way..you can buy canvas treatment with the green dye in it --and the
smell....!! I have 5 gallons of GI stuff.. You can buy it ..But, not
US ARMY Retired
Colorado Springs

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