From: Horrocks, Aaron (
Date: Thu Jul 14 2005 - 07:31:33 PDT
Napa Auto Parts #1006 comes to mind. Maybe that's an entirely different
part? If that's right, that's the one that I'm using in my jeep. Surely
someone would correct me if I'm wrong. Well, sometimes people still try
if I'm right...
Aaron Horrocks
Airsoft Reenactor's Group, Mopar Alley, MVCC, NRA, & Saint Jame's
Grenadier Member
1952 M38A1 + 1952 M100 Trailer!
1970 Plymouth
1986 G.P. Medium
-----Original Message-----
From: Military Vehicles Mailing List [] On
Behalf Of Thomas M McHugh
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2005 5:41 PM
To: Military Vehicles Mailing List
Subject: [MV] M38A1 Oil Filter
My 1952 M38A1 has the old type Oil Reservoir & the oil cartridge is a
Fram C3P.
I am having trouble finding a FRram Oil Filter C3P. Has anyone
another brand ??? Item # ???
The WIX cross referrenced # seems smaller.
Any info will be appreciated.
Tom McHugh, NJ
1952 M38A1
M-416 Trailer
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