From: Ron (
Date: Fri Jul 15 2005 - 06:54:50 PDT
Another very interesting site is
He has a free ware/share ware program that is called USAPhotomaps.
Uses USCG imagery from 64 meters per pixel down to 1 meter per pixel,
and in some urban areas, 0.25 meters per pixel.
The interesting thing is that you can download the topos to match the
photos and toggle back and forth between them.
Urban imagery is some times 'mottled' for Nat Sec reasons, i.e. the
urban imagery of the White House and Executive Office Bldgs. roofs and the
Capitol. Also some bases like Nellis. This is where the topo feature comes
in handy, since you can download the topos for Nellis but some areas of the
imagery are deleted. At least you can figure out why when you look at the
topos of the missing imagery.
You can tell the program to download an area bounded by four sets of co
ords (UTM or Lat/Lon) and go to bed, and it will download them and assemble
them (and the topos if desired) into a seamless photo mosaic map hundreds
(or thousands) of miles on a side, a very nice feature.
You can use a Delorme mapping program to find something interesting,
note the Lat/Lon and then tell USAPhotomaps to 'go' there and then hit "F"
to fill the screen with images around that point at the chosen resolution
and zoom in and out. Very versatile.
Places like Ft. Irwin and Aberdeen show MV's, albeit it in very small
scale . But the physical plants are interesting. Don't forget Davis-Monthan
You can get the dates of the photo images by just right clicking (most
are 5 or more years old) but the simplicity of the program is it's greatest
Gee Whiz factor.
It also will support most GPSs and will show your position in real time
(if you have downloaded the area you'll be stomping through) and it adds a
different dimension to programs like DeLormes offerings.
But again, it's FREE and requires no heavy lifting, or brainwork, on
your part!! A great time waster.
Once you have downloaded and installed the program, go to the 4 meter
res level, click the 'GoTo' tab, click 'Lat/Lon' and then enter LAT N 43
6.3327 and LON W 71 44.1058 and you'll be looking at the clearing where the
GREAT WEARE, NH Rally will be held in just a little under 13 days!
(Shameless Plug).
Zoom down to the 1 meter res level and you can almost make out Dr.
Deuces DMZ (Dog Mess Zone).
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