From: Stu (
Date: Sat Jul 16 2005 - 10:43:08 PDT
I snapped off all 8 of mine once because of a faulty torque wrench and just
being stupid. They (a shop) had to drill them out. $1100.00.
Southern NH, USA
"Live Free Or Die"
MVPA #14790
1967 M151A1 Jeep 1964 M416 Trailer
1986 M1009 CUCV Blazer 1985 M1008 CUCV Pickup
-----Original Message-----
From: Military Vehicles Mailing List [] On Behalf
Of Don Low
Sent: Saturday, July 16, 2005 1:34 PM
To: Military Vehicles Mailing List
Subject: Re: [MV] M1009 Glow Plugs Head busted off on new Plugs.
Well the problem is not a swollen plug, I never had a chance to even start
I was putting in new, and the head just broke off (while putting in on
So Now I am left with a glow plug almost complety frush to the head.
threaded all the way in , nothing to grab onto .
SO I need to know how to get it out , so I can replace it with NEW (MIL
From: Jeff Gatton <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Subject: Re: [MV] M1009 Glow Plugs Head busted off on new Plugs.
Date: Sat, 16 Jul 2005 05:18:26 -0700 (PDT)
Getting out a broken glow plug isn't much fun, but it's not too bad. I
recently had to remove 5 swollen plugs.
Are your threads bad, or is it swollen?
You will need to remove the injector and fish it out of that hole. If the
plug didn't break off far enough back to let it drop into the head, you
need to use a dremel tool to grind off just a little. From what I saw, the
the passages are made, it will NOT drop all the way into the cylinder. You
will need a long, skinny grabber, or tweezers, or such to reach in to get
Give me a hollar if you need more info.
Jeff Gatton
--- Don Low <> wrote:
> Well, Today I went out to replace old Glow plugs with new ( a 30 minute
> Well, BOSCH plugs I got at Pep Boys (all they carry ) are not good
> And on the 5th one the head on the plug just started spinning, BAD NEWS.
> So we tried most anything we could to get the Plug out.
> BUT had no success, the Plug is now broken off at the head.
> So any good ideas would be helpful.
> can I get it out ? without removing the head ?
> Or buy removing the head and WHAT ?
> Son says we need a new head. and that would fix all.
> anyone have a NOS set for the ol 6.2 on a M1009 ??
> Or a good place to get them.
> My truck sits , and its all I drive so I need to move on this soon !
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