From: Rick v100 (
Date: Tue Jul 19 2005 - 09:35:18 PDT
I believe that they were using the "taxes" excuse to
collect funds knowing full well that it had to be
returned at a later date. Meanwhile they invest it in
short term bonds\commerical paper and make interest on
your money. Happens all the time.
Basically you give them an interest free loan.
I would threaten class action with damages sought.
--- International Movie Services <>
> To anyone on the list who has purchased from
> Government Liquidation and
> beeen required to pay California sales tax although
> you are not a California
> resident and the goods were shipped to your home
> location, here is some good
> news:
> Although I have been purchasing from GL and DRMO for
> twenty years, it wasn't
> until GL took over the US disposal contract that I
> began to experience the
> annoyance of being required to pay State sales taxes
> to GL even though the
> items were shipped from whereever purchased to
> Washington State, where I
> have registered tax exempt status.
> I questioned GL's policy and was told that their
> legal department had
> declared the collection of State tax from out of
> State purchasers was
> correct. Although I informed them in writing that
> they were wrong, they
> persisted! I'm a Scot and I don't appreciate
> injustice and if pushed I fight
> back, so it came to a head earlier this year when I
> bid on a large lot of
> tents in Barstow, Calfornia. When the invoice
> arrived from GL it had
> California sales tax included, so I informed them in
> writing that I would
> pay the invoiced amount less the tax. I immediately
> had my account suspended
> and received in writing from GL their statement that
> since I wouldn't pay
> the tax that was just cause for the suspension.
> I made an official request to the State of
> California sales tax department
> for a ruling on GL's policy, following an
> interesting series of
> conversations I had with personnel from that
> Department, who referred to
> GL's position as completely incorrect. Yesterday I
> received a written ruling
> from California confirming that I was right all
> along, and that GL must
> refund and and all State sales tax that they have
> collected unlawfully. This
> applies to any and all of you, and probably applies
> to any other State taxes
> collected by them on out of State purchases.
> I can scan or fax copies of California's ruling to
> any of you that need to
> claim against GL. I will be seeking redress through
> the Courts in Arizona
> for damages against GL.
> Cheers! The little guy can win!!
> Ian
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