From: J. Forster (
Date: Tue Jul 19 2005 - 12:07:56 PDT
I have no dog in this fight, because I've never done business with GL, but I'd
suggest making the .pdf of the letter available on a web site somewhere, so
those who have been ripped off can easily access it in order to make a claim.
Bill wrote:
> First of all my compliments to you Ian for doing the right thing!
> Finally some justice!
> If you really want to piss GL off, which in this case is also doing the
> right thing.
> Scan the letter from the Kalifonia Tax Dept into PDF format.
> Then attach it to an email to every State Tax Department in the 50
> states (emails can be found on google) informing them that taxes may
> have been illegally collected from their residents too.
> There is only one thing that the tax department hates more than
> non-payers...and that is illegal collectors.
> While you are at it you could also copy the State's Attorney's General
> Office.
> It would be a pleasure to see some of these Agressive AG offices go up
> GL's arse with a micro-scope.
> Bill
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