From: Wes Knettle (
Date: Mon Jul 25 2005 - 07:52:56 PDT
Based on my experience the vacuum powered vent system on the M series
autolite systems when disabled or plugged in high temp geographic areas
tends to shorten the life of the coils. I won't argue all the goodies a
vent system can do for a sealed distributor but I am convinced cooling
is one of them. The Army training references I have found are the system
is there to "vent and to remove moisture from the waterproof
distributors". Common sense dictates that the act of venting provides
fresh clean cool air and the result is the purging of stale contaminated
hot air. Next to incorrect applied voltages and mechanical ineptitude
heat is the ignition coil's greatest enemy. The M series sealed
distributors if not vented will build up tremendous heat levels which
will shorten coil life measurably. Next time you pull in your driveway
and shut down after a trip put your hand on the distributor housing!
Wes K
>> Message-ID: <BAY101-DAV157950DA86FBE0F1CFB824C0CA0@phx.gbl>
>> From: "Thomas M McHugh" <>
>> Subject: [MV] M38A1 Questions
>> Date: Sun, 24 Jul 2005 20:14:28 -0400
>> I am presently having an M38A1 Engine Remanufactured. The Head &
>> Block will be Magnafluxed & planed, The Crankshaft will be balanced
>> & turned if needed, ALL other parts will be new. The cylinders will
>> be bored out slightly & a new 24 volt system will be installed, along
>> with a new wiring harness.
>> I do not have all the tubing on my present engine, as it had been
>> made 12 volt.
>> Question: Will the coil in the distributor over heat without a
>> line ??? Are the lines an air system or vacuum system.
>> Question: What is a fair price to sell my present engine. Runs
>> good.
>> I just have the opportunity to build a remanufactured engine.
>> Tom McHugh, NJ
>> 1952 M38A1
>> M-416 Trailer
>> ------------------------------
>> Date: Sun, 24 Jul 2005 21:45:23 -0400
>> From:
>> Message-Id: <>
>> Subject: Re: [MV] M38A1 Questions
>> Tom,
>> The distributor vent lines are not for cooling the
>> coil, they vent the distributor of gasses that would
>> cause the points to burn.
>> Joe Young
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