Date: Wed Jul 27 2005 - 20:36:45 PDT
And now for something completely different...!
If you are tired of swabbing out that bore...I have some very nice tank gunfire simulators (aka 'Hoffman Device" manufactured by Hoffman Werke, Lintdorf, Germany) available for sale. These are still in their individual metal crates with the assorted items necessary to care for them and mount them to your main gun. This kit would also include the field manual.
Each device has nine individual barrels. These barrels each hold a black powder charge suitable for simulating gunfire, muzzle flash, or smoke, simulating a 'hit'.
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: I do NOT have any charges for these & please don't ask for hints as to how to make them.
While the bang-boxes for these devices are absent, the original bang-boxes are not absolutely necessary in order to use the device as any suitable, well laid out & constructed remote triggering system would serve. (It is also important to note the field manual makes it very clear that all the tubes must be fired individually, not en mass.) The device itself (aside from the barrel grouping) is designed to gather the wires for the individual charges (which are external) so they can be routed back to the turret or other remote/protected location. A fairly comprehensive description of these can be found by making a quick google search of "hoffman device."
These are available in a variety of conditions, but all are cmopletely servicable. Total weight of a complete crated device is approximately 180#.
If you are wondering what these might be good for (assuming you don't own a tank or artillery piece, (by way of an example) imagine having several of these at a reenactment, going off in the distance, simulating battery & counter-battery fire. The rest is limited only by your imagination.
P.S. Don't miss The Great Raid, coming soon to a theater near you... I built two rocket launchers for this film. I can't say what what the film will be like as I had no other hand in it, but I assure you the bazookas will look great!
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