Weare NH snap report

From: Ron (rojoha@adelphia.net)
Date: Fri Jul 29 2005 - 15:39:07 PDT

Thursday beautiful, approx 35 HM vehicles on field by 1800. 20 vendors on
site and set up. Lobsta, clams and corn at $16 a head, sold out, 50 set ups.
Farthest north attendee so far, New Brunswick. Farthest south, rep from the
Florida Chapter. New York furthest west.
    Wx today was beautiful and sunny, 80 degrees, picked up another 18
vendors by 1200. 59 HMVs present @1200.
    Tomorrow is the big one, temps in low 80s, sunny. Be there by 0700 if
you want to try and park at rally, after that ya ride the bus in.

    Hope ta se ya'll there

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