From: Ron (
Date: Tue Aug 09 2005 - 06:59:20 PDT
Go to any BIG TRUCK parts store. I paid $18 bucks for mine several years
ago, 1/2 drive, cheap looking thing that works. I have been to three
different truck stores in MA and NH, all carry the same companies sockets on
a rack on the wall, around 10 different sizes. Look like soup cans with one
end shaped into a socket with a strip of metal welded across the opposite
end with a square hole for the torque wrench, painted silver grey, fairly
thin wall for their size, made expressly for wheel bearing/axle nuts. Went
up to about 4 inch size and some of the larger ones were 3/4 drive.
You can also use a big pair of channel locks if you use the tighten to
drag, back off method in the 209 series manuals.
Stop thinking car, think MANLY toys.....
Here's a link to a company that sells KD Tools spindle nut wrenches.
Same wrench with their name on it at a higher price, but you at least know
what it looks like
Don't be afraid to use Google. Google is your friend!
----- Original Message -----
From: "STEVE Hill" <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: 09 August, 2005 09:20
Subject: [MV] Hub Nut Socket for M35
> List,
> I need a source for the 3" socket (or wrench) for the hub nut on the M35.
> I can find the six point socket, but not the eight point. My NAPA man
> didn't have one and couldn't find one to order. I found one in a set at
> Northern Tool for $170, but no singles.
> Thanks in advance for any help.
> Steve
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