From: Nigel Hay MILWEB (
Date: Wed Aug 10 2005 - 03:08:42 PDT
A lone GMC 6x6 entered Vire in Normandy last evening. All the Germans seemed
to be gone and the few locals about waved and cheered the driver who passed
through the town leaving the American sector and heading for the British
held part of the Vire Vassy Highway.
Through his 1942 German ranging binoculars the lone forward spotter at La
Fauvelliere watched the truck approach along the valley road.....
Well, back to reality.... 61 years to the day of the actual fighting for
this hill here in Normandy, as luck would have it, a friend decided to turn
up in his GMC. We went up to Les Sources where in August 1944 two 88's
fought against some tanks of 11th Armoured commanded by the man later to
become the statesman Lord Carrington. The vantage point at 283m above sea
level where the guns were with its natural protection from incoming fire
still gives a commanding view of the battlefield.
We had a clear view of the Haut Perrier where the Frundsburg division and
10th SS were repulsed.
Probably the first time a GMC had ridden these sunken lanes since 1944.....
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