Whosit? Whatsit?

From: timothy.smith1@att.net
Date: Fri Aug 19 2005 - 06:54:28 PDT

I was in Soccorro NM recently for some anti terrorism training & while passing through Albuquirky I spotted someone's MV project (looked like a completed chassis/driveline awaiting a body) in a nondescript metal building (among a line of other metal buldings) on the east side of the freeway on the northside of the city & south of an exit for a big casino. Made the turnaround and doubled back but botched the attempt to get over there to say hi, introduce myself & be nosey. Just missed the fella, as by the time I figured out how to actually get there, he had closed up shop and left. Anybody on the list know who it was & what he was working on? It looked a bit biger than a jeep.

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