From: Royce C Hayes (
Date: Fri Sep 02 2005 - 01:06:22 PDT
I do not put the blame on President Bush or the Federal Government. I
put the fowl up on the local and State Government bodies for not taking
care of their own.
I believe that todays mind set is that people look to the Feds as their
savior in all instances and refuse to take the responsibility for their
own people.
On Fri, 2 Sep 2005 15:51:15 +0800 writes:
> Well, it is going to go down in history as yet another Bush
> administration stuff up that is for sure.
> 4 days and they still don't have amphibious units on the beach?
> What about airlifting in MASH units?
> The incompetence is staggering.
> Regards
> Doug
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