From: Ron (
Date: Fri Sep 02 2005 - 09:05:47 PDT
>From a special report from the New Orleans Times Picayune Newspaper in 2002
"Washing Away" is a fascinating series of articles about what "could" (and
DID) happen.
This is something the CoE knew was going to happen and details a number
of factors which all add up to the inevitable occurrence.
The 1st part of 5 parts is here, and the whole series is an excellent
read, and tells me that rebuilding this city has to rate right up there with
the idea of draining the place using straws and zip loc bags.....:
This link describes the levees with an excellent (but large) .PDF
graphic file:
Other parts detail the plans of the 'Super Levee' that needs (needed) to
be built over the next 30 years to save the 'sinking' city, and why the
Gulf of Mexico is 20 air miles closer to New Orleans today than it was in
1960, and what that means to future hurricane encounters.
Regards, Ronzo
----- Original Message -----
From: "Nigel Hay MILWEB" <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: 02 September, 2005 10:11
Subject: Re: [MV] Rebuilding levees
> Please put me out of my misery- what exactly is a levee? ever since the
> song
> American Pie that went ".... took my Chevy to the levee" I have had no
> idea.
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