Re: [MV] Battle of East Texas - 2005

From: Ron (
Date: Sun Sep 04 2005 - 06:11:40 PDT

Gee Pat, a golden opportunity missed forever....

    The SG should have rounded up the 'gangstas', told hem they were being
moved to a more 'secure' shelter, herded them into a deuce with guards, gone
out of town and found a backhoe. One behind the ear for each of these
products of the welfare state mentality who think they have a 'right' to be
suckled for life and prey on our
society.Use the backhoe to move them into their new 'secure shelter'. They
would not be missed.

    I am amazed at the constraint shown by the LEOs so far in the disaster
areas. They have weapons for self protection, and judicious (or
nonjudicious) use now will provide 'self protection' for years to come. Not
to mention lessen future prison overcrowding.

    Texas needs to wake up and smell the coffee and get busy placing double
layer 10 foot high fencing with razor wire around all the 'displaced
person' camps NOW. The 'DP's are docile for now, but give them a couple of
weeks. Drug use and sales, organized prostitution, extortions by the 'DP's
on the other 'DP's and (locals if the 'DP's are allowed to roam) are just
down the road. Leopards can't change their spots. 'Bling-Bling' needs to be
bought or stolen. The rappers and even some elected officials are claiming
that the President and other elected officials have a problem with certain
'factions'. The 'DP's who feel they are owed 'more', or have been treated
'shoddily', are sucking up these other dopes rantings and are just sitting
on cots in crowed shelters getting more and more worked up. Wild animals
will revert to 'natural' behavior regardless of how well they are kept in

    God Bless and protect you and all the other rescuers working so hard
down there to help the unfortunate in this disaster. But don't drop your
guard for a minute, because the 'wolves' among the sheep are just biding
their time for the 'right' conditions to move up. One on one they are
cowards, but there is anonymity in large crowds.

    The road to hell is paved with good intentions.....

    Take care, don't go ANYWHERE UNARMED from now on. Texas is a 'NO LONE
ZONE' from last Thursday on, Two Man Rule is now in effect for the next
couple of years, and check six often... If it comes down to you or them, I
ONLY want to hear YOUR version of the events. Understand?

    Regards, Ronzo
    Racist, No
    Survivalist, Definitely
    Why do ya think I own 'HMVs'

        "They didn't say it was YOUR fault, they just said they are going to
blame YOU!"

----- Original Message -----
From: "Patrick Jankowiak" <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: 04 September, 2005 01:01
Subject: Re: [MV] Battle of East Texas - 2005

> There was a little issue with some Louisiana gangsta's at a local
> shelter in east TX. They were threatening, disorderly, and rude,
> frightening the other refugees. Reportedly one or more was armed.
> Upon the state guard confronting them to settle them down, they said
> 'you just the state guard, what yo gonna do?' Upon being "axed" this
> "qwurstion", the guardsmen soon returned to the punks armed (TXG often
> goes unarmed but there's no problem arming up quick), and the officer, a
> seasoned Veteran and Ranger with many wartime kills to his name, spoke
> quietly to one of them for a bit. There was absolutely no further
> trouble.
> Texas will not put up with that crap, for sure, but I would imagine the
> little discussion had a chilling effect on the punk's attitude.

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