From: MV (
Date: Wed Sep 21 2005 - 13:38:14 PDT
That's why the average American buys a new car every 3-4 years, they
can't afford the "repairs". My father-in-law is a perfect example. He
has a 2000 Ford Taurus wagon and he is still trying to determine if it
is a front wheel or rear wheel drive. He is pretty sure the engine is
in the front at this point.
He has to take his car to the Ford dealership every 3 months to get the
oil changed (and his wallet emptied). Everytime he sees me he tells me
that he just had the car into the shop and it was $450 this time, $750
last time, and $1000 the time before that. He asks them what needs to
be done to the car, so them give him a laundry list and he says go. And
this is for minor stuff. The last "repair" I heard about was flushing
the power steering system. That was "required" since it just hit 50,000
miles. I think he said that cost him $140.00 or so. He wasn't sure
what "flushing meant". Silly me, I have never done that to my wifes
Taurus and it has 130,000 miles on it. I just cringe when he starts
talking about the latest repairs he had done.
What they (the dealership) really want you to do is to realize that your
truck is way expensive to repair, and stop by the friendly sales dude at
the front office and buy a new truck for 60 payments of only $800/month
and "save" some money. (;->)
Ron wrote:
> Well, I figured I'd take the M1009 to the local super Chevy dealer and
> get an estimate to get the truck professionally repaired using real
> GM/Mr. GoodWrench parts.
> So, I drop the truck off, with instructions to pull the wheels and
> check the brakes, and price out replacing the rear (ruptured and very
> rusty ) brake lines, replace both of the rear parking brake cables, and
> the exhaust system (one muffler rotted out with flaky, leaking pipes on
> both sides) from the manifolds back.
> Turns out they have seen a number of these from local towns and other
> agencies along with several privately owned ones, so there was no
> problem on their part.
> So, this AM I get a call with the estimate for making the puppy into
> a quiet, stopping CUCV. All the brake lines are punky so they won't just
> trim back to a good section. All lines need to go. I'm cool with that.
> Exhaust system is available from GM parts, no problem there. All brake
> shoes and pads look fine. Can have it done by 5 PM if I give the go ahead.
> All I gotta do is be ready to cough up $2100 and they'll start the
> work....NOT!!!
> I tell them to button up the little darling and I'll pick her up this
> PM. The estimate process only cost me $150,+ or - a smidgeon.
> So what did I really expect from a 20 year old civilian vehicle
> masquerading as an army truck!
> Oh well, off to bring the hanger queen home and look for a more
> 'reasonable' shop.....
> Regards from, temporarily I hope,
> CyclopsRonzo, no relation to RAM (at least that I'm aware of....)
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