Re: After Action Report for Hurricane Rita in East Texas

From: Patrick Jankowiak (
Date: Tue Oct 04 2005 - 18:59:50 PDT

I have been released from duty, am home in Dallas, and spent about a week
sick as a dog from something I caught. Still coughing up pestilence.

One of these same "bums" doused a fellow guardsman with a bottle of rancid
baby formula from a bus window.

Let's face it, it it does ever go to hell all over, there will be not
enough police, not enough guardsmen, and nothing to do but kill the
cockroaches when they encroach upon our own scarce resources. They'll come
into our neighborhoods to take what they can by force.

How high a stack of dead crackheads, thieves, and looters at the bottom of
my steps will it take to discourage the rest of 'em? Maybe I can take a tip
from Old Vladmir..

It really is time for a good house cleaning in this country, and God
forgive me for ugly thoughts.

sorry for the ugly post,

Ed wrote:

> I hate to say it but that doesn't surprise me one little bit. You and I
> don't qualify for all the aid that is being passed out for several reasons.
> This should be a wake up call to the entire country about what is just and
> proper and what being P.C. and letting the people that have worked their
> entire lives and have never asked for anything suffer and die because they

> aren't in the "minority" and ask politely without yelling, screaming that we
> owe them, stealing and raping, shooting at the very people that are coming
> to help and so on do. For some reason they get all the help and it still
> isn't enough, will it ever be enough?
> I am out of work and have been for some time due to an on the job injury.
> We haven't asked for anything because we planned ahead. We are spending
> money that we shouldn't be because it's our retirement but then you have to
> do what you have to do to get by. The "minority people" that put on the
> shows for the TV cameras need to be pointed to the areas that need to be
> cleaned up and repaired, given a fair and decent wage with benefits and told
> if you don't work you don't get anything, NO MORE FREE HAND OUTS FOR BUMS
> Ed

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