From: noel shelley (
Date: Thu Oct 13 2005 - 06:06:25 PDT
If it`s red its most likely diesel oil , IF it`s clear , golden it will be a
type of kerosene with a lower calorific value and less lubricity !! mixed
with about 10% engine oil it will be OK but you will notice a power loss !
Take a vessel with a drilled hole in the bottom , say ¼" and take some
diesel and some of your unknown !
cover hole with your finger , pour a measured amount of diesel in and time
how long to run out !
Now do the same with the other sample ! NOTE both must be at the same temp !
IF it takes noticeably less time it will be a type of kerosene , IF the same
, it`s diesel , IF it takes longer , IT`S real thick !
A simple test though not catorgoric proof !!!
Best wishes Noel
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