deuce air system troubles

From: kurt (
Date: Mon Oct 17 2005 - 14:13:31 PDT


 I'm a long time list lurker (past 5 years) who has turned to the
 knowledge of the list every once in a while. (Mr. Doyle comes
 to mind). Anywho, I am in need of the list's help once more.

 I was working the truck this afternoon (pulling logs) when I heard a hiss
 air followed within 15 seconds by the low air buzzer. I drove
 the truck back to the garage (100 yds) with the buzzer buzzing
 but with a working brake pedal. Once in the garage I narrowed
 the escaping air noise to the engine breather tube. I shut off the
 truck and placed my hand over the downward end of the tube to verify.
 Sure enough, the air was leaking out the end of the tube. I followed an
 air line going into this breather tube back to the air hydraulic brake
 cylinder. There is a branch off to the master cylinder reservoir, making
 it certain to me that this is a air vent line.

 So, it appears that the air vent system on the truck is venting off
 all my compressed air. Does this mean time to overhaul the
 air hydraulic cylinder? Can some valve or gasket or something
 internal in the air hydraulic cylinder have failed causing the truck's
 compressed air to bleed off quickly to the vent system?

 As everyone else says, thanks to the list for helping
 with this problem.

 kurt miller
 Pittsburgh (Go Steelers!)

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