Thanks for the MULE fuel advice -> Fixed

From: Stephen Grammont (
Date: Sun Oct 30 2005 - 20:09:42 PST

Hi all,

I finally had the time to take all the collective wisdom that was sent
my way and see why my MULE stopped running. It appears my original
diagnosis was correct... some crud in the fuel tank got sucked up and
that plugged the system. Since that was the easiest, and cheapest
possibility, I'm a happy camper that's what it was. I even had enough
daylight after fixing the problem to haul in a couple cords of

The one problem that remains is that the existing in-tank fuel filter I
have is crap (Glen, thanks for the x-ref for the bowl filter). NAPA
wasn't able to help out with a new filter so I'm going to follow the
suggestion a couple of you put forward -> retro fit a standard inline
filter in place of the original. Since I found the MULE useless in
deep snow (we get 3-4' around here) I'll pull the tank and have it
relined during its hibernation period. The crud problem is not 1/2 as
bad as my first Weasel tank, but there is plenty of stuff in there to
cause problems later on. The Weasel tank cost me $80 to redo so I'm
expecting $50 this time around. Good investment if there ever was one.

Thanks again for all the help!


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