Don't try this with your M35

From: Amnon (
Date: Fri Nov 11 2005 - 10:28:11 PST

How many times have you wondered how strong those cement barriers are
that you see in front of military base entrances???? Read below and
then view the clip...

>From time to time someone asks me what the concrete barriers are in
front of controlled and secure buildings. When I tell them that the
barriers will stop traffic, even trucks, from approaching the secure
building I usually get a look of disbelief. I've been looking for some
footage like this to prove my point.
In this test, the following parameters were used. Read them and then watch
the film.

Truck = 65,000 lbs.

Speed = 50 mph

Kinetic Energy = 5.5 MILLION ft. lbs. Stopped in 24 INCHES !!!

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