RE: CUCV High Idle

From: Stu (
Date: Mon Nov 14 2005 - 08:42:57 PST

Hi all!
I took the green wire off the top of the high idle solenoid. While engine
running, I jumpered 12v from one battery to where the green wire hooks up on
top. Nothing. No change and no high idle. Bad solenoid?? Where do you
get new one??

Southern NH, USA
"Live Free Or Die"
MVPA #14790

1967 M151A1 Jeep 1964 M416 Trailer
1985 M1008 CUCV Pickup


-----Original Message-----
From: Military Vehicles Mailing List [] On Behalf
Of Caleb Pal
Sent: Saturday, November 12, 2005 3:41 PM
To: Military Vehicles Mailing List
Subject: Re: [MV] CUCV High Idle

Hey Stu,

Sounds like the solidnoid that holds the idle up, which is on the top of the

IP, might be on its way out, or B, the sensor on the rear passnenger side of

the block is on its way out. Its at the very rear of the block, passenger
side, and it clicks off when it reaches a certain temp. Mine usually keeps
it on for 4-6 minutes depending on the temp. One way to see which one is
bad, unhook the green wire going to the solinoid, give 12 volts directly to
the solinoid, and see if it stays on for more than 30-60 seconds. Remember
to push the accelerator to the floor once its enrgized. The sensor can go
bad, had that happen on a m1008, it wouldn't keep the throttle up at all, or

the solinoid can get weak and go tits up.

Good luck.


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