Re: Help in importing Csepel trucks to the US...

Date: Mon Nov 14 2005 - 12:24:32 PST

He did say that his plan was to take an entire truck, strip all the parts off
the frame, load the parts into the other truck and have a spare set of parts
for each truck delivered at the same time...

Quoting Jim Webster <>:

> wrote:
> > Guys,
> > I met a fellow at a local truck show the other week who is real interested
> in
> > importing some Csepel trucks into the US (North Carolina). In particular,
> he
> > is very interested in a d344 or d346 model (I think that he used to drive
> them
> > when he was serving in his younger days...). Anyway, he told me that he
> is
> > having problems getting his paperwork approved by the appropriate folks at
> US
> > Customs or the State Department and is in need of some help...
> Holy crap! These are mid-60s vehicles - they got pretty bad reviews (and
> conceivably the worst intelligence assessment I have every seen for a
> military vehicle) way back then so goodness only knows what condition
> they have deteriorated too by now........
> --
> Jim
> 'Interdum feror cupidine partium magnarum Europae vicendarum!'
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