From: Everette (
Date: Tue Nov 15 2005 - 17:32:14 PST
I have been watching with interest and following all the leads for
"Ridgeway" fatigue caps, thus far all I have seen do not meet my memory of
an absolutely flat top, sloped slightly to front, and straight sides, if I
remember correctly there was spring steel ring in top to keep top flat, and
sides were of a material that did not wrinkle unless you sat on it, if that
were to occur another trip to PX was necessary. Cap bill was very stiff and
the crease that lots of fellows put in their baseball caps was NOT allowed.
Further there was not enough starch available to make issue cap pass
inspection in basic. After I got to my "permanent" post no one cared about
cap configuration, you just had to have one.
In all my perplexities and distresses, the Bible has never failed to give me
light and strength.
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