RE: Lee E and relevant Christmas MV topics

From: Nigel Hay MILWEB (
Date: Fri Dec 02 2005 - 05:56:18 PST

I doubt anyone outside the USA has ever heard of him , though I am sure our
majesties army also has plenty of foul mouthed NCO's who shout and scream
without hesitation. ( the older Brits amongst us will of course remember the
legendary RSM Billy Brittain)

Anyway moving swiftly along to much more interesting things...... Classic
Military Vehicle magazine has a free book by Bart Vanderveen on military
Macks for all those who subscribe to this excellent magazine via this

You may wish to point your wives, mistresses and children's mice to this
link as I can think of no more suitable Christmas present - there is a
regular double spread be David Ahl on the US MV scene as well as many other
famous names contributing.

Below is just in from "Tanks In Town" ( as featured in
this months Classic Military Vehicle magazine)
this is the latest info from the upcoming event in Belgiums Ardennes in
about 10 days.....

Hi to all
Please find in attached files the official invitation from Bertogne ( even
if you do not understand french, print it for any customs problems)
Due to hight demand of participations, we are now obliged to stop
inscriptions for the friendly meeting at Bertogne . Please confirm your
intention to participe by send back this e-mail
There will be no more recall
Bedding No fee, but do not forget your sleeping-bag. Only some warmed
bedding available. First in. first bedding ... for the others .( not cold in
the bulge)

How to eat ?
Bertogne's community propose to organise eatings at a cheapest price ( 5/6
euros ea)
-Saterday 12h00
-Saterday 18h00
-Sunday 12h00
Please send back this e-mail with the following informations
Name :
Type of vehicles :
Immatriculation or identification:
numbers of bedding for
friday /saterday :
saterday/Sunday :
Numbers of lunch
Saterday 12h00 :
Saterday 18h00 :
Sunday 12h00 :
See you soon

Bonjour a tous
Vous trouverez en fichiers attache l'invitation officielle de Bertogne
Suite aux nombreuses demandes de participations, nous sommes obliges de
cloturer les inscriptions pour le "friendly meeting". Merci de confirmer
votre venue et le nombre de participants.
Attention : il n'y aura pas de rappel
LOGEMENTS , n'oubliez pas votre sac de couchage
Nous ne disposons que de quelques logements gratuits. Les premiers inscrits
dormiront au chaud. Les autres....

La commune de Bertogne se propose d'organiser les repas du
- samedi midi
- samedi soir
- dimanche midi
a un prix democratique ( +/- 5/6 euros le repas )
Veuillez me confirmer votre participation en me renvoyant cet e-mail en
precisant :

Nom :
Type de vehicule :
Immatriculation ou identification :
Nombre de personnes pour les nuits
vendredi/samedi :
Samedi/dimanche :Nombre de repas
Samedi midi :
Samedi soir :
Dimanche midi :

A bientot

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