From: Convoy Magazine (
Date: Wed Dec 14 2005 - 06:55:35 PST
--- Rick v100 <> wrote:
> Yes, but how many of us want to spend 15 minutes
> searching a sock rack reading small print trying to
> figure out if -----
How many? Well I do!!! and we must!!!
And while our respective governments should do
something, we cannot always hand over responsibility
to it!
WE have a great deal of power with our 99c or 1.29 or
whatever. A collective realization that there is a
problem and WE hold the solution would result in big
If you feel its not worth your while to spend an extra
moment, and an extrea few cents or even dollars, then
don't come crying when your job goes "east" or "south"
I in the meantime will be trying to save your job and
others HERE!
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