Date: Wed Dec 14 2005 - 15:46:13 PST
I've been reading with great interest and laughing to myself about all the cock & bullshirt about DOT being published on this list. Some of you seem to know what you're talking about and others of you are so far off the mark, it's incredible.
If you have a well-defined question, feel free to email me directly and ask your question & I'll answer it for you with FMCSR references.
However, if you are one of the boobs who just want to argue against how the world turns and repeat the all bad information you've gotten from greasy spoon lawyers and trucker's rags and from hanging out in Turkish baths (a real disservice to those on the list who just want the real bottom line), or if you want to relate how the local yokels done you wrong, don't bother emailing me.
TJ Smith
MVPA 21162
DOT Inspector - San Antonio Police Department
White Halftrack
White Scout Car
42 International M3-4
42 MB
42 GPW
53 M38A1
and assorted military trailers too numerous to mention
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