RE: Government Liquidations

From: Fred H. Schlesinger (
Date: Wed Dec 21 2005 - 20:07:57 PST

And the item is probably something that no sane person would require an EUC for anyway. Like a
dangerous 2 1/2 ton truck, which has been known to be a favorite of Islamic radical terrorists like,
Bloom, for example. Oh, maybe not him.

-----Original Message-----
From: jatonka [mailto:]
Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2005 11:02 PM
To: Military Vehicles Mailing List
Subject: [MV] Government Liquidations

Hello all on the list, I am posting tonight to offer another example of GL
BULL S#$T. I subimitted an EUC form yesterday for an item I won on Dec 19th

Today I received an email from M Soucy at GL stating I needed to change or
white-out 2 items on my form and resubmit it. The 1st item was my name and
mailing address which was filled in on the form by GL and was correct any
way. The 2nd item to correct was section 2 Line 4 (4) which was filled in as

Not Applicable, the same exact way it was filled in on the last sale I won
items on and had to file an EUC for. I have been jerked around by these
people constantly and have finally decided to speak up. To all of you and my

congress man. The person at the GL office in AZ, M Soucy said that my
cancellation Deadline was 12/19/05 but she would allow me to have until
1/6/06 to get the proper form filed. Please note the the Auction didn't even

end until 12/19/05. I truly hope that all of us who have had our chops
broken by these people who are stealing American tax dollars from us will
speak up, both hear on this list and to your Representatives in Congrees to

make them aware that we are being ripped off, harrassed and in my opinion
humliated by a group of people who are paid by an organization owned by
foreigners. John A Tennis American Citizen

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