Re: Chalk's -Big brother? nonMV but

From: Rick v100 (
Date: Fri Dec 23 2005 - 07:07:51 PST


Here's one that will light up the list.

Who need's gun control laws when I can track your
movement to the range and gun shop since obviously
only a gun owner would be at those places repeatedly I
now have a list of every active gun owner in the

Or on topic. A database like this would probably be
probed to find out if you exceed your limits on annual
mileage and send you a fine.

Also with RF ID it would be a simple calculation speed
over time to issue out a speeding ticket who needs
speed traps?

County a little short of cash? Easy fix go into the
database and change the parameters from allowing 10
over to 9 over and start issuing tickets
automatically. No overtime and no additional officers



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