Oh, for the love of Pete, please give it a rest!!

From: GotaM35 (gotam35@joetrapp.com)
Date: Thu Dec 29 2005 - 19:03:27 PST

How long will this MV - RV - Hobby - Commerce debate go on? I'm not trying
to tick any body off here but I can only read this stuff so long.

Let me sum it up (don't read if you haven't taken you blood pressure
medication yet):

Sonny has a really nice RV that used to be a big truck. He has a license to
drive a big truck but doesn't feel he needs to have it to drive the RV.
This is because he doesn't sell anything from it. He does sell stuff
though, just not from the truck, I'm sorry, RV in question. Which he does
have a license to drive if he did decide to sell stuff from it.

Ronzo has reared his head with another clever posting. He posed a
legitimate question given the information posted here on this list. Had his
question answered in several different way, and some not too nice. Which is
the usually here.

A guys in Australia has a nice RV that used to be a MV.

TJ seems to be a very nice and knowledgeable dude from the other side of the
country (USA). It is believed he is as rare as the spotted owl.

I have a CDL. Most of you do not. I don't worry when I drive a big truck.
Some of you do (when I drive one as well as when you do).

You can make a RV from a MV if you add a bunch of stuff to help you eat,
sleep and poop. If you MV becomes a RV you will need to see if you have a
proper drivers license for the state you live it.

You can sell guns, but not butter at gun shows.

GL sucks like a hover (brand of vacuum cleaner).

Thank you for your time and I hope I didn't miss anything or get any of the
facts mixed up. This has been a very complicated issue. I did take a piece
of card board and make a template of the armor on a M3A1 scout car tonight
so I can cut my armor tomorrow. If it armor or aurmor?

Joe Trapp

Flame me baby, I just spent the holidays with my family as well as the in
laws. I'm ready for the end of the world.

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