Re: Oh, for the love of Pete, please give it a rest!!

From: MV (
Date: Sun Jan 01 2006 - 09:55:32 PST

Gawd, you and Joe need to take your pills and lighten up, or simply hit
the delete key.

Yes, you have had to face the terrible - inlaws, loved family members
(:-0), etc. I know it was ugly, but life goes on and the holidays are
an entire year away right now. Personally I'm glad it is over!!!

But this stuff about selling, buying, taxes and being taxed, being
pulled over with or without a CDL is 100% relevant to MV ownership and

So flame away as you wish, as I also have been already toasted to a
crisp by the presence of my inlaws and the antics of my relatives. (;->)


Rick v100 wrote:
> Look lets sum these threads all up nicely. Yes, the
> laws suck, yes you have to deal with them. We
> understand your aggrivation. Carpping endlessly about
> it won't change it.
> Either conform, face a judge or get elected and change
> the laws.
> Rick
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