From: m35products (
Date: Tue Jan 03 2006 - 14:16:22 PST
It can be very frustrating, indeed. I have found that some companies put up
an email address just because their webmaster says it's the right thing to
do. But they never take the next step, which would be to assign a person the
task of answering every day. I have waited for weeks and never gotten
anything more than a canned response from many so-called sophisticated
companies: "thank you for your interest in our products...please see our
website for more information"
Personally, unless a message gets trashed by mistake via my spam blocker, I
try to answer my mail two or three times a day. There are some old-fashioned
companies who have just not gotten on board with the computer age, and/or
have been overwelmed with tire-kickers and cluelesscenti, for whom there is
never a right answer.
Were I you, I would lower my sights, and give each of the companies one more
chance, by telephone, and then go elsewhere. I have dealt with both Memphi$
an VPW, and have found the "face-to-face" (or voice-to-voice, I guess,)
service very satisfactory. Both places have knowlegeable and polite guys who
can help.
Arthur P. Bloom
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Davidsen" <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 3:22 PM
Subject: [MV] parts needed for M725 ambulance resto
> Looking for the following parts if anyone has a few spares. Please
> don't reply to me with "call Memphis Equipment or call Vintage Power
> Wagons", I have dealt with them already, and have found them to be
> non-responsive. I can't even get VPW to email me back once, even though
> I have emailed them very politely many times.
> Here's what I need for my M725 ambulance project now:
> side mirrors and arms
> hood hold-downs
> hood blackout light
> hood blackout light brushguard
> muffler (repro is fine)
> data plate set
> air horn on the carb mounted air cleaner
> front bumper
> outside door handles (same as on M37)
> wiper arms
> wiper blades
> litter hardware
> brushguard
> Any help is appreciated. Thanks,
> Mike
> 1967 M725 ambulance
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