From: mr.bones (
Date: Fri Jan 06 2006 - 18:11:27 PST
Listers, after reading all the eBay phishing thread, I then checked my
email, had one of the same emails trapped by my spam and virus filters via
my ISP... it registers as having a virus along with their attempt at
defrauding you. Wanted to share this in the hopes that it keeps even one
person's computer from being infected, or personal information extracted.
Let's be careful out there...
T. Bones Morris
Mandatory MV content: If they steal all of your hard-earned bucks, then ya
can't buy MVvs, parts, manuals, etc. :-(
PS: For the geek-inclined like myself, here is the header info from the
email... if you are bored and want to pay them a lil' cyber visit with
extreme prejudice. I cannot condone such activities, of course, lol. Judging
by the way their letters appear on my screen, though, it looks like their
servers could use some hard drive reformatting and other fun things.
Classic symptoms. <g> My non-expert opinion, of course. Happy 2006 y'all!!
Received: from source ([]) by
([]) with SMTP;
Fri, 06 Jan 2006 15:24:22 CST
FCC: mailbox://
X-Identity-Key: id1
Date: Fri, 06 Jan 2006 15:23:19 -0600
From: eBay <>
X-Accept-Language: en-us, en
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject: Attention eBay Client [Fri, 06 Jan 2006 15:19:19 -0600]
Content-Type: multipart/related;
X-pstn-levels: (S: 0.00000/42.46101 R:95.9108 P:95.9108 M:97.0232
C:98.7678 )
X-pstnvirus: Phish-BankFraud.eml.a
X-pstn-settings: 3 (1.0000:1.0000) S gt3 gt2 gt1 r p m c
X-pstn-addresses: from <> [db-null]
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