Re: Licensing of Armored Vehicles in Kansas Prohibited

From: MV (
Date: Tue Jan 17 2006 - 21:06:10 PST

 >Or is the whole thing going to go the same way as their response
 >to the Form 6 problem...................... "We're not worried about
 >armor, what about if they ban jeeps"?

Exactly - how much of a stretch is it for them to say that all Military
tactical vehicles or Camo painted vehicles will be banned?? After all
that camo green paint is really not required by civilians, right. And
who really needs a tactical vehicle in civilian hands?? It's a slippery

You are right, the box is wide open now.

As I said, this bozo bureaucrat in Kansas needs to find another
occupation to exercise his power trip.

Dave - MVPA member

dgrev wrote:
> All
>> Please read this information. The State of Kansas has declared no more
>> armored vehicles may be licensed there. I have no idea how this will
>> impact
>> those already licensed - maybe they will have their licenses rescinded or
>> not renewed. It is a very dangerous situation of other owners if this
>> catches on in other states.
> Well, as one other list member said "the lid on Pandora's Box is
> definetly open now".
> So will the MVPA step up to the line and act in the interests of its
> member(s) or do nothing?
> Or is the whole thing going to go the same way as their response
> to the Form 6 problem...................... "We're not worried about
> armor, what about if they ban jeeps"?
> If the MVPA doesn't do something this time, then perhaps a name
> change is in order:
> EJOC = Ex-military Jeep Owners Club.
> Pronounced "Eee Joke"
> Regards
> Doug
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