Re: 40,000 dollar tow truck

From: Ryan Gill (
Date: Sat Feb 11 2006 - 22:48:56 PST

At 1:29 AM -0500 2/12/06, Arthur Bloom wrote:
>I would sell everything I own and even some stuff that I don't own, to get a
>Scammell Explorer.

There are two listed on in the Heavy
vehicle section. One in Germany somewhere and
another in Shropshire England.

>The first one I saw in person was in Scotland in 1971. I have a photo of my
>5'11" girlfriend du jour standing next to the front tyre. What a machine.
>The truck was great, too.


There's an AEC Militant Recovery Truck listed
too. I was for a time, waffling between spending
money on a post war Foden 8x8 Flat Bed truck or a
WWII Leyland Hipp 10 Ton Truck for a time.
Amazing thing about the Hippos is that they were
more or less in service with some units up to the
late 80s!

If you really want a Scammell, I'm sure Nigel Hay
can hook you up with someone looking to sell one.
Of course then, I'd con you into doing a REME
impression and twist your arm to make you turn
out with us odds and sods that re-enact WWII
British. :-)

Ryan Gill    
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'60 Daimler Ferret '42 Daimler Dingo '42 Humber MkIV (1/3)

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