Re: Pappy Boyington Still a Black Sheep at UW

From: Rick v100 (
Date: Fri Feb 24 2006 - 11:50:50 PST

I am recently discovered to try to discuss an issue
with a liberal applying logic and reason is a waste of
time and energy.


--- Eric Scott <> wrote:

> I was a big fan of the '70s show Black Sheep
> Squadron.
> It prompted me to read his autobiography, and
> anything Else I could find on the man. He lead an
> interesting life, and deserves a memorial. The
> irony
> of this situation is, if you talk to most liberal
> people, who are anti-war, they will tell you that
> the
> last just war was WWII. This is because we were
> fighting the the fascist foes of Hitler's Nazi
> regime,
> and the imperial domination of the then Militaristic
> Japanese empire. So the so-called opened minded
> free
> thinking student body leadership of the UW, didn't
> want to approve the memorial, because he was white,
> and he killed people for his country. All you can
> do
> is scratch your head and go Huhhh.....
> --- Jack Lee <> wrote:
> > I wrote a little something about Greg "Pappy"
> > Boyington. It's in response
> > to the disgraceful comments made about this hero
> > Marine by snot nosed
> > students at the University of Washington. Can you
> > believe they didn't want
> > to put up a memorial to this medal of honor man
> > because, "he killed people?"
> > And they didn't see any reason to put any reason
> to
> > memorialize, "another
> > rich white guy?"
> >
> > Here's the link to my story:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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