From: MV (
Date: Mon Feb 27 2006 - 16:59:12 PST
That sounds great! Too bad I don't live in Georgia. But that is
Ryan Gill wrote:
clearly the right thing to do. This constant commercial vs RV stuff
really needs to be clarified. I only wish this could have been done at
the federal level.
> At 2:11 PM -0600 2/27/06, Paul Vandervort wrote:
>>Here's the proper links below. They are Senate bills not House bills, one is directly MV related the other isn't as far as I can see.
> Correct, they are Senate Bills (SB vs HB). However, they have cleared the Senate (Public Safety, Rules and the Senate floor) and are now in the House awaiting passage by the HOUSE committee on Motor Vehicles and then the House Rules committee and then the House itself. After that it's the Governor's office.
>>Not MV related:
> Only if your idea of MV's stops at Deuces (less than 26,000 GVW). It is in fact MV related. I know, I helped draft both bills with my state Senator (Steve Henson). SB28 was specifically to target 5 Tons and larger MVs so there was ZERO confusion on the applicability of CDL laws to those kinds of trucks at the state level in Gorgia, but I wrote it as generally as possible so that the bill/law would affect all trucks that are used non-commercially be it an OD green Mack or a bright red Mack. One Ga-DOT/DMVS administration said it was non-commercial, the other DOT administration said it was covered by the CDL rule. This bill, if passed would remove that confusion. It's also inclusive of other trucks like a Modern Semi-Tractor or a 50's Mack truck that's in Class B or A territory as long as it was NOT used for commercial purposes. Note, that Commercial purposes are clearly defined per Federal language.
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