From: M151 (
Date: Wed Mar 01 2006 - 16:09:34 PST
I just wanted to take a moment and speak about the note from the Kansas
Director of Motor Vehicles regarding registration of military vehicles
published in the latest MV magazine, page 4.
First and most important, the information in the note is so out dated as to
be pretty much obsolete.
Second it has done nothing but stir up trouble in a situation that was all
but resolved.
Third it has most likely generated calls and emails to the office which was
a point of contention at the first meeting a few weeks ago. A repeat of
that will almost certainly make life difficult for us again.
Sending the note to the magazine will serve no purpose other than to inflame
the situation and make it more difficult for the hobby as a whole and those
negotiating with the state. Only through mutual respect and cooperation can
we hope to get this resolved.
I would ask you all please to not send any notes, email or make phone calls
to the KDMV, especially if you are not a Kansas resident. There is a
delegation working closely with the offices at the capital to resolve this
in a fashion equitable to all sides.
We in Kansas with the negotiating team thank you for your support and
David Brubaker
MVPA # 18115
Owner - M151A2
Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si marmota monax materiam possit
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