Re: Helicopter Stuff

From: Julian Burke (
Date: Thu Mar 02 2006 - 21:20:52 PST

I would think that you would immediately be on your way to Ft Rucker.
What's stopping you???

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ed" <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Friday, March 03, 2006 12:08 AM
Subject: Re: [MV] Helicopter Stuff

> Good luck Chance! We are trying to restore our UH-1H for the American
> Legion Post that we are members of. Tons of people promise to do things
> and
> give things and say that they have plenty of support to give, don't worry
> we
> will help you make it happen.
> So far we have ZERO items that were promised, yes that's ZERO. We are
> trying to bring her up to at least "group tour status" so that the people
> from our county and the surrounding areas can come and see what a real
> Huey
> that had been in combat looked like. They would be able to touch it and
> sit
> in the seats. The same seats that some of their Fathers and Grandfathers
> sat in.
> I am 100% disabled and am living on a VERY small check. My friends are
> regular guys that are fellow members in the Legion with me. We have taken
> a
> ton of money out of our pockets to start working on her. Money that none
> of
> us have but we all feel that it's a worthy cause and we want her to stop
> being a piece of junk full of leaves and spider webs and start looking
> like
> the war horse that she was! We'll keep on. We have learned a valuable
> lesson though. If someone offers to help just say thank you, smile and
> drive on. So far that's all that we can do with those offers. They were
> wind in the landscape..............
> As I said I wish you the best of luck my friend! If you would like the
> numbers to some of the places that we have called I'd be glad to share!
> Maybe the magic words "movie company" will open up the doors that were not
> slammed in our faces but just never opened??
> If you are a museum there are more places that you can talk to. We are a
> military museum so there are some more doors that we have to knock on so
> we
> are not stuck yet, we'll keep on trying. We're hoping that we can get to
> Fort Rucker later on this year. That's where our Huey came from and the
> guy
> that runs the area that supplies things to military museums said to come
> on
> down and he'll see what he can do. There is still hope!
> Best Regards,
> Ed
> "Sirs, you have no reason to be ashamed of your Confederate dead; see
> to it they have no reason to be ashamed of you"
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Chance Wolf" <>
> To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
> Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2006 23:47
> Subject: Re: [MV] Helicopter Stuff
>> While I'm on the subject of helicopters (and I seem to post this once a
>> year), does anyone have any leads on a (relatively) complete, non-flying
>> UH-1H? Yes, it'll work in the film industry here in
> Runwayproductionsville,
>> Canada - but if I have my way it will also show up at every mil-veh
>> collector's event, Airshow, veteran's event and A&W parking-lot Show &
> Shine
>> possible done up in its original colours as the honourable old warhorse
>> it
>> is. They've had nothing for nearly a year. AMARC?
> They've
>> nothing either. Tucson, AZ aviation-junkyards? Unless you're Sultan
> Swami
>> BellFleet the Third from Brunei - they won't even reply to your email.
>> I think we can do Museum-to-Museum transfer/ buy because we have both
> Museum
>> status and a Controlled Goods Certificate, but again - I've seen nothing
>> available for nearly a year - which is in itself endlessly puzzling
> because
>> the U.S. military was supposed to have all the remaining UH-1(X) family
>> things out of the system by May 05, and they can't *all* go to Colombia,
>> after all. (Like our Bell 212s. *cough*)
>> I can deal with damage and missing bits and bent tailbooms and what-not -
>> but I have to have something in a relative state of togetherness to begin
>> with. We've been offered a few things which look like balled-up bits of
>> cigarette-paper with the odd splotch of zinc chromate for local colour,
> but
>> since I like my puzzles with more than 2% of the pieces present I've just
>> kept looking.
>> Any help/pointers/wild-goose-chases appreciated in advance. I know a
> couple
>> of members of this list have tackled the Huey-thing successfully in the
> past
>> so I know the resources are out there to draw upon if the will is there.
>> Cheers.
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