Serious Auction of MIL Vehicles in Australia

From: aussierob2 (
Date: Thu Mar 09 2006 - 05:12:32 PST

See the url below.
Being an ex-Aussie now in upstate NY
looks like a really nice collection of Mil Vehicles

I nearly went to Aust for this month of March, but
decided to stay in NY see what I have missed !

Robb - too many old jeeps - 4 war jeeps
with one registered on the road.
At the Sheep Dip Cafe' & Jeep Ewe'porium
Syracuse area of NY

Subject: Re: Military vehicle Museum Auction upcoming

I was at this museum several years ago with an Australian friend of John
Bellfield. John let me wander the museum on a day it was closed to the
public. He
has some very unique and unusual stuff and the catalog should be very
interesting. John also has an extensive graveyard out the back including, a
Bren Gun Carrier, serial number, (I believe), around #4.

Deryk Walker

In a message dated 3/8/2006 4:54:56 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:
> You folks may be interested in this auction of a major vehicle collection
> that's just been announced in the southern hemisphere - its a serious
> collection

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