Here we go again...........

From: Albert Lyon (
Date: Sat Mar 18 2006 - 02:37:12 PST

Subject : Re: [MV] Is Your Cat Infected with a Computer Virus From:
Military Vehicles Mailing List [] On Behalf Of J.

For the last three weeks, the mv list has remained remarkably on topic. But
we all knew that it couldn't last.

Someone (J Forster) just couldn't resist posting this completely irrelevant
trash. And the usual gang of boneheads joined in the cuckoo chorus.

Please try and remember.....before you post (not after....BEFORE) ask
yourself..."What direct relevance does my post have to MILITARY VEHICLES???

If in doubt...DON'T post.

Now if you still cannot resist posting irrelevant rubbish, how about trying
this? In the subject line, add the initials APB.....for Another Pointless
Babble. We can then steer clear of it. I realise that readers may mistake
this for some if not all of APBloom's postings, and delete these also but
don't lose any sleep about that. You won't be missing anything of use or


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