Re: Solargizer is not a charger

From: MV (
Date: Thu Mar 23 2006 - 05:48:02 PST


I have a number of Harbor Freight - el-cheapo solargizer type units and
they work well in the cloudy midwest to counter discharge - in fact they
can very slowly bring a battery up from a slight discharge to a near
full charge over a period of weeks. The last I bought them they were
$10 each.


chris kahlert wrote:
> This is kinda upsetting but *Solargizer is not a charger.*
> The main cause of battery problems and failure is sulfation buildup
> (sulfur deposits on the lead battery plates). This can be relieved with
> the use of the PulseTech Solargizer. Pulse technology is defined by a
> distinct, patented "pulse waveform". No other battery maintenance system
> in the world has this specific waveform which means No other system can
> provide the same exceptional benefits as PulseTech battery maintenance
> systems. This technology completely eliminates the sulfation buildup by
> removing the sulfate deposits from the plates and returning them to the
> battery acid as active electrolyte. With the plates clean the battery
> will perform at peak efficiency and battery life is extended dramatically.
> *Solargizer is not a charger,* the power it produces is to maintain
> the operation of the solargizer only. The solargizer is a solar-powered
> device that maintains and improves lead-acid batteries. By ensuring peak
> battery performance, reducing downtime, and increasing battery life
> dramatically. The Solargizer provides greater charge acceptance enabling
> a battery to recharge faster and with better quality. It even prevents
> the normal loss of battery power on stored vehicles - no matter how long
> they sit unused! The Solargizer (except multi-wire units) can also be
> ordered with a specially designed AC adapter for use on vehicles stored
> in areas without sunlight.
> Chris Kahlert
> Phoenix, AZ 85048
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> From: /"ygmir" <>/
> To: /"Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>/
> Subject: /Re: [MV] Solargizers/
> Date: /Wed, 22 Mar 2006 16:25:23 -0800/
> MIME-Version: /1.0/
> Received: /from ([]) by
> with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.1830);
> Wed, 22 Mar 2006 16:27:35 -0800/
> >Hi Bruce,
> >In the directions, it shows hooking it in series for 12 or 24 volt,
> >depending on the batteries, or, single for a 12 volt. I'm just
> >wondering if I can hook several in parallel, so they remain 12 volt,
> >and, get the same effect. It shows even 3 for 36 volt.
> >I removed the ends and replaced them with clamps, so I can put it on
> >different batteries, and vehicles.....
> >They seem to work fine that way, the led light comes on,
> >anyway.......... if it's in the direct sun.........
> >I'd just like to be able to keep several batteries de-sulfated
> >without switching the connections, like doing about 4. If this won't
> >work, I guess I'll just move it from time to time.........
> >Thanks for the input.
> >Henry
> >
> >----- Original Message ----- From: "Bruce C. Beattie"
> ><>
> >To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
> >Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2006 11:13 AM
> >Subject: Re: [MV] Solargizers
> >
> >
> >>Hi Henry,
> >> The ones from Gene were 24 volt solargizers witch spanned two
> >>batteries connected in series, If I
> >>remember right. The instructions that came with them made a big
> >>point of not
> >>altering the leads between the control cube and the batteries.
> >>Although you could do all the splicing
> >>you wanted between the cube and the solar collector.
> >>
> >>Bassed on that, I would be hesitant to alter that configuration
> >>without first checking with the manufacturer
> >>to find out what the critical parameters were. Ofcourse you may run
> >>into the whole thing
> >>where they want you to buy more solargizers, so they say you can't
> >>make alterations. But I think in this
> >>case there is probably a legitament reason for not altering the
> >>configuration.
> >>
> >>Bruce
> >>ygmir wrote:
> >>
> >>>Hi all,
> >>>I'm wondering if I can use the wonderful Solagizers I got from
> >>>Gene, to maintain more than one battery at a time, if they are
> >>>wired parallel, so they are still 12V?
> >>>If so, would I hook the positive to the pos. on the first
> >>>battery, and the neg. to the last?
> >>>And, do they work/are they necessary, on gel batteries?
> >>>Making sure MV content is here:
> >>>I'd sure like to keep these batteries ready to start my
> >>>MV's...........
> >>>Also, how do you tell if they are 12 or 24V? I know they are
> >>>supposed to sense the voltage, but, it says you can get models for
> >>>each. Is it the size of the solar panel?
> >>>Thanks,
> >>>Henry
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
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> >>
> >>
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